Swap Wilwood conversion for Stag set up

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Swap Wilwood conversion for Stag set up

#1 Post by TedTaylor » Mon May 27, 2013 5:10 pm

When I bought my 2500 estate it came with a new Willwood complete vented disc conversion from CW which cost £629. It has done less that 3000 miles of normal use - most of that by me since February this year!

It really is unsuited to my everyday use (it is really meant for regular fast road or track use) and I want to change it. Anyone interested in doing a swap with new Stag discs and calipers (from a good source like Robsport or Tony Hart) and uprated track control arms and tie bars (from CW) ....... and help me swap them over .......

An overnight stay over at our place (plus the company of our pack of dogs :shock:) can be included in the deal if necessary!

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Re: Swap Wilwood conversion for Stag set up

#2 Post by djw113uk » Mon May 27, 2013 10:44 pm

Are yours the later type Willwoods with anti-rattle springs, or the early type without?

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Re: Swap Wilwood conversion for Stag set up

#3 Post by TedTaylor » Tue May 28, 2013 8:37 am

Purchase invoice shows June 2011 and they don't rattle so I presume they are the later type.

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Re: Swap Wilwood conversion for Stag set up

#4 Post by torque2me » Fri Dec 30, 2022 2:13 pm

TedTaylor wrote:
Mon May 27, 2013 5:10 pm
When I bought my 2500 estate it came with a new Willwood complete vented disc conversion from CW which cost £629. It has done less that 3000 miles of normal use - most of that by me since February this year!

It really is unsuited to my everyday use (it is really meant for regular fast road or track use) and I want to change it. Anyone interested in doing a swap with new Stag discs and calipers (from a good source like Robsport or Tony Hart) and uprated track control arms and tie bars (from CW) ....... and help me swap them over .......

An overnight stay over at our place (plus the company of our pack of dogs :shock:) can be included in the deal if necessary!

An old post which I've just come across. Just a few asides for anyone looking for brake "improvements".

I don't think there is any improvement in braking on the fronts with Stag compared to Innsbruck calipers as they are virtually identical. Different part numbers but seemingly of very close dimensions. The pad is GBP242 for both calipers and thus will have the same swept area, no matter the size of rotor.

The rear shoes are a little wider and Stag brake drums will be required. Might have to mix and match cable and lever options.

The Stag rears on mine are a little fiercer and will lock-up on one side every 6 months or so and thus needs adjustment. Probably a wrong choice in the mix and match. And of course it's just my amateur attempt.


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Re: Swap Wilwood conversion for Stag set up

#5 Post by iani » Fri Dec 30, 2022 4:02 pm

torque2me wrote:
Fri Dec 30, 2022 2:13 pm

An old post which I've just come across. Just a few asides for anyone looking for brake "improvements".

I don't think there is any improvement in braking on the fronts with Stag compared to Innsbruck calipers as they are virtually identical. Different part numbers but seemingly of very close dimensions. The pad is GBP242 for both calipers and thus will have the same swept area, no matter the size of rotor.

The rear shoes are a little wider and Stag brake drums will be required. Might have to mix and match cable and lever options.

The Stag rears on mine are a little fiercer and will lock-up on one side every 6 months or so and thus needs adjustment. Probably a wrong choice in the mix and match. And of course it's just my amateur attempt.

Whilst the pad size is the same, the discs are slightly larger, therefore have more surface area in contact with air, presumably allowing heat to dissipate more quickly, theoretically improving the braking I'd have thought? The discs are cheaper and more easily available too which is another bonus, I have just changed my PI Saloon to Stag brakes all round, still bedding them in so too early to comment on improvement, the suspension changes made at the same time are a definite improvement.

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Re: Swap Wilwood conversion for Stag set up

#6 Post by Richard B » Wed May 17, 2023 1:28 pm

Also as the caliper is further out from the centre of rotation, there is more leverage.

I think that is the right word or is it "moment of force"?
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Re: Swap Wilwood conversion for Stag set up

#7 Post by Richard B » Sat Jan 27, 2024 10:10 am

As an update, just been doing some investigation on this.

Stag Pistons are 57mm diameter
Discs are 270mm diameter

2000/2.5 Pistons are 54mm diameter
Discs are 248mm diameter

Sorry I would write this in imperial, but all the info I can find is in that funny french system. :roll:
Compulsive PI'er :) Daughters have Heralds. Son-in-laws have 2.5's

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Re: Swap Wilwood conversion for Stag set up

#8 Post by torque2me » Tue Feb 20, 2024 2:45 pm

Richard B wrote:
Sat Jan 27, 2024 10:10 am
As an update, just been doing some investigation on this.

Stag Pistons are 57mm diameter
Discs are 270mm diameter

2000/2.5 Pistons are 54mm diameter
Discs are 248mm diameter

Sorry I would write this in imperial, but all the info I can find is in that funny french system. :roll:
Thanks for that update Richard. When I looked over a Stag caliper against an Innsbruck one I couldn't really see any visual difference without getting some sort of surface scanning equipment. The pistons looked, to me, very close but I'm glad you was able to be more definitive. 3mm will probably provide a slightly larger area pushing on the the back of the pad and this may give a little more pressure and thus a little better braking performance.

I believe CW provided some details on caliper/disc performance many, many, many, moons ago. I think it was to help in Willwood sales and those on test were from a Volvo, Princess and AN Other. Would be useful to re-publish it if it is not on his site.

regards, Kev

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